Boring Oregon Estate Sale


Dates and Times: Friday October 28 from 10-3, Saturday October 29 from 9-3 and Sunday October 30 from 9-3


Boring Oregon Estate Sale

Wonderful Estate Sale of retired antique dealer and estate sale provider in Boring, Oregon Friday October 28 from 10-3, Saturday October 29 from 9-3 and Sunday October 30 from 9-3. Great collections throughout the property make the drive well worth it! The caretaker is still living on the property so please be respectful and do not disturb them. Live Feed video Surveillance in use.

Fine glassware including brilliant cut glass, crystal, Waterford, Orrefors, pottery including Roseville, Weller, Hull, Redwing, china sets, tea cup collection. Large collection of vintage store display candy jars, vintage and antique dolls, toys and accessories. Fun kitchen collectibles and vintage housewares. Oil lamp collection, ephemera, huge collection of Christmas and holiday decor, vintage linens, tons of small collectibles, costume jewelry.

Bassett tall dresser and matching long dresser, Queen size mattresses, Queen size bed frame, antique oak dining table with 6 chairs and 1 leaf, china cabinet, lighted display cabinet, white sofa, matching wing back chairs, sofa table, end tables, 3 piece matching bookcases, contemporary dining table with 2 leaves and 5 chairs, trunks, lamps, artwork and prints, some women’s clothing and accessories, linens, books and kitchen pamphlets, cds, dvds, office supplies, some hand tools, yard tools, patio sets, yard decor.

please visit for more details and photos


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Southwest Portland Estate Sale


Dates and Time: Friday October 7 from 10-2, Saturday October 8 from 9-3 and Sunday October 9 from 9-3


Southwest Estate Sale

We are in southwest this Friday, Saturday and Sunday with a very packed women’s clothing sale. Parking is going to be very tricky so please come prepared to park a ways from the house and walk. Once you purchase items you can park and load in the driveway. There is no street parking in front of this house. Be respectful of neighbors and do not block their driveways, and do not block the street. Use common sense please, if a vehicle can’t fit around you you are blocking the road and can expect a ticket.

Women’s clothing in every room of this house, lots of Bluefish brand and similar brands, size Large up to 1xL and size 14 and up. Tons of shoes and accessories, linens, Christmas decor, kitchenware, carved Alaskan soap stone, Brass bed frame, treadmill, Ratan furniture, baskets, 1980’s dining table.


please visit for all the details and photos

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Southwest Portland Estate Sale


Dates and Times:  Friday September 30 from 10-2 and Saturday October 1 from 9-3 and Sunday October 2 from 9-3


Southwest Portland Estate Sale

We are in southwest Portland this Friday, Saturday and Sunday with a fun sale full of everything from vintage to contemporary. As always live feed video surveillance in use, please do not disturb the homeowner as they are still staying in the home.

Giant live edge burl slab coffee table, prayer bench from the grotto, giant nice contemporary desk, king bed frame, matching low and tall dressers, curved glass curio, lighted display cabinet, carved wood dolphin glass top table, 5 matching contemporary bookcases, printers cabinet, clawfoot table, miscellaneous bookcases, desks, end tables.

Vintage Valentino leather purse with matching shoes and other cool vintage women’s clothing, mostly women’s clothing and shoes, toiletries, artwork and prints, picture frames, mirrors, lamps, Franklin Mint die cast car collection, linens including tablecloths, napkins, sheets and pillow cases, towels, curtains, pillows, electronics, tons and tons of books, cds, vhs, dvds, cassette tapes, 8 tracks, records, large flatscreen TVs, cameras, office supplies, Christmas decor, kitchenware including pots and pans, utensils, cast iron, glassware and dishes, small kitchen appliances, Frigidaire upright freezer, BBQ, patio table with 4 chairs, wine making supplies, storage bins, nice set of all season tire and rims, golf clubs, yard tools, hand tools.

please visit for all the details including photos

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