Beaverton Estate Sale


Date and time: Saturday September 10 from 9-4 and Sunday September 11 from 9-3

Beaverton Estate Sale

We have a nice contemporary sale this Saturday and Sunday in Beaverton. Lots of beautiful furniture, electronics, and other household miscellaneous items. As always live feed video surveillance in use, please do not disturb the caretaker who is still living in the home.

Four piece sectional sofa with storage ottoman, King mattress and box spring, king bed frame, Queen adjustable bed and frame, Queen mattress and box spring, Tv cabinets, bookcases, tall dressers, 1980’s Pallister leather chair, dressers, nightstands, coffee tables, Loveseat, Glass top dining table with 2 leaves and 8 chairs, Sofa, farmhouse style dining table with leaf and 6 chairs, Drop leaf bistro table with 6 chairs, wine bar cabinet, media cabinet, Antique Buffet, English secretary desk.

Grandfather clock, picture frames, Dvds, cds, records, cassette tapes, books, games, office supplies, flatscreen TVs, artwork and prints, mirrors, lamps, sewing machine, linens including tablecloths and napkins, curtains, sheets and blankets, pillows, rugs, mens and women’s clothing and accessories, toiletries, kitchenware including pots and pans, utensils, stainless flatware, small kitchen appliances, GE refrigerator, Amana fridge, upright freezer, Frigidaire washer and dryer set, patio table sets.

please visit for all the details

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Oregon City Estate Sale

Location: given at opening

Dates and Times: Friday August 12 from 10-3

Saturday August 13th from 9-3

Sunday August 14 from 9-3

Oregon City Estate Sale

We have a great Oregon City Estate Sale this Friday, Saturday and Sunday! The sale is off Redland Road so please be extra careful pulling into and leaving the sale as people like to speed along there. We will have parking along the field so please be cautious of other drivers. Homeowner  is still living on the property so please DO NOT DISTURB THEM! Live feed video surveillance in use.

Oak lawyers bookcase, oak curved glass curio cabinet, La Z Boy recliner, oak roll top desk, lighted curio cabinet, dining table with four chairs, matching dresser with mirror and tall dresser, Queen mattress and storage bed frame, upholstered loveseat, upholstered chair, book cases, side tables. Artwork and prints, office supplies, lamps, books, dvds, records, picture frames, linens, toiletries, clothing including mens hunting wear, kitchenware including pots and pans, utensils, silverware, glassware, small appliances. Christmas decor, Air Hawk power folding mobility chair, gun safe, bows and arrows, bow accessories, hunting accessories and equipment, Maytag washer and dryer, refrigerator.

Camping equipment including tents, sleeping bags and other accessories, 1954 John Deere 40 Crawler runs and has new battery, wheelbarrows, ladders, Coleman Scanoe 16ft, coolers, gas cans, Kennedy rolling tool chest, Rockwell Delta 20” drill press, reloading equipment, hand and power tools, yard tools, Ryobi router table, Grizzly Industrial 17” band saw, 60 gal air compressor, Delta 16” scroll saw, work bench with accessories, Dewalt 12” compound miter saw with portable table, Miller arc welder, Craftsman 15” drill press, John Deer LT 133 mower, Crescent Bicycles, and so much more! There’s lots at this wonderful estate so even if you can’t make it until Saturday there will be lots left to see!

Please take extra caution pulling into and leaving this sale, Redland Road is very busy and people drive very fast!

please visit for all the details and photos

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Northeast Portland Estate Sale


Dates and Times: Saturday July 30 from 9-3 and

Sunday July 31 from 9-3

Northeast Portland Estate Sale

We are in NE Portland this Saturday and Sunday with a wonderful sale filled with fun collections and unique items. This sale has a collection of Pre-Colombian and Native American artifacts including Kachina dolls, arrowheads, baskets, bowls, clay figures, weaving and textiles, artwork and more. Please Do Not disturb the homeowner and live feed video surveillance in use.

Sofa, lighted glass display cabinets, desks, bookshelves, dining table, upright freezer, floor safe, prints and artwork, Hartman steamer trunk, washer, mini fridge, kitchenware including pots and pans, glassware, utensils, small appliances. Collector plates, fun ephemera, postcards, comics, vhs, dvds, books, lots of luggage, hand and yard tools, Christmas decor, nutcracker collection, beanie babies, banks, vintage stuffed animals and hand puppets, lamps, and lots more.

This home is small so please be patient, we will let in as many as we can without being too crowded. After that it will be one out, one in until we aren’t so crowded.

please visit for all the details and photos. Also with info on our list if you plan to shop the opening of the sale.


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