Milwaukie Estate Sale


Dates and Times: Saturday June 13th from 9 am – 4pm

Sunday June 14th from 9 am – 4pm

Clean Sweep will be following the Oregon Health Authority guidelines for COVID-19 safety. In addition, our own rules apply to all persons who choose to shop at our sale:

All persons entering the house will be required to wear and keep masks on at all times. Please wear your mask properly; covering both nose and mouth. You will be required to observe social distancing by remaining 6 feet apart at all times, inside and outside the sale. There will be a limit of 20 people in the home at one time. Please be considerate and try to limit your time in the sale so others might have a chance to shop as well. There will be a hand washing station in the kitchen with soap provided. We will have hand sanitizer to use once you enter the front door and again at the pay station. We will provide a wrapping station for your purchased items, we will not be able to help wrap or carry purchased items to your vehicle. 

​​​​​We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time of reopening

Here’s some of the fun finds you’ll see this weekend at our Milwaukie Sale:

Antiques and collectibles including WWII Army signal corps radio equipment, fun ephemera collection, glassware including Amethyst glass, Belleek, cut glass and more. Artwork, framed prints, mirrors, Lilliput Lane collection, walking stick collection, cds, 45 records, reel to reel tapes, office supplies, kitchenware, crafting supplies, holiday miscellaneous. Lamps, men’s and women’s clothing, blankets and sheets, toiletries. Printers, Kenwood receiver, Sony dual cassette deck, miscellaneous small electronics. Queen Sleep Number bed, side tables, corner desks, filing cabinets, vintage metal desk, glass door cabinet, La Z Boy reclining sofa, lighted cabinet, dyson vacuum cleaners. Entire garage full of hand and power tools, floor jacks, air compressors, household products, lots of ladders including a 30ft extension, nuts and bolts and tons of miscellaneous parts for ham radios. 2005 Chevrolet Silverado tailgate.

Please visit for our full ad with photos.

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Se Portland Estate Sale

Location: Given Saturday morning

Dates and Times: Saturday March 14th from 9-4pm

Sunday March 15th from 10-4pm

Clean Sweep is back with a fun sale in SE Portland this Saturday and Sunday. This Estate has some great finds including a huge collection of old radio parts and accessories. But there’s so much more to see so make sure to visit us this weekend!

As always video surveillance is in use and please DO NOT DISTURB THE CARETAKER.

Some great finds include:

Oak Vanity with mirror, Queen oak sleigh bed frame, oak roll top desk, oak china cabinet, cedar hope chest, Victorian dresser, queen mattress, sewing cabinet, side tables, leather sofa.

Hundreds of radio tubes, tubs filled with knobs, face plates, and more there’s lots of radio project pieces and parts. Vintage radio magazines, books,Dvds, cds, toys including some sesame street and raggedy Ann dolls, vintage handmade quilts and lace, tablecloths, blankets and sheets, women’s shoes, purses, toiletries,some men’s clothing, collection of transportation tee shirts including trucking, aviation and railroad tees. 2 large 48 star US flags, sewing notions, holiday miscellaneous, candles, costume jewelry, china sets including Johnson Bros. China set, tea cups and saucers, cut glass, cranberry flash glass set, kitchenware including utensils, small appliances, glasses, Pyrex and Corning Ware, stainless steel flatware. Artwork and prints,picture frames, vintage floor lamps.

Ridged 700 pipe threader, drill press, hand and power tools, vice, air compressor, power Kraft 10 inch table saw, great Honda self propelled lawnmower, coolers, patio table and umbrella with 6 chairs.

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NE Portland Estate Sale

Address: 16418 NE Fargo St Portland 97230

Dates and Times:  Thursday December 12th from 12pm-4pm

Friday December 13th from 12pm-4pm

Saturday December 14th from 10am -4pm

Sunday December 15th from 10 am-4pm

Ne Portland Estate Sale

This is it, our last sale of the year! You don’t want to miss this super packed Estate full of new in package toys, Christmas decor, books, linens, crafting supplies and so much more! Be sure to visit Clean Sweep this weekend for some fun finds!

Lots of toys including an entire room of 80’s and 90’s Barbies many are new in box, tons of loose Barbies, lots of clothing, accessories and cases. Large doll collection including vintage 80’s dolls many mint in package, vintage rubber faced dolls. Doll houses, doll house making kits and supplies, furniture including vintage hard plastic pieces by Renwal, Marx, and Ideal. Tons of wood furniture, many new in box. Large collection of bears and stuffed animals, many are vintage including some Steiff’s. Advertising dolls and stuffed animals.

Women’s clothing including some vintage, scarves, linens including tablecloths, napkins, doilies. Lots of sewing notions and crafting supplies, patterns, fabric, toiletries, cds, records, books including children’s books and pop up books. Picture frames, prints and artwork, office supplies. Kitchenware including glasses, utensils, dish sets, silverware, pots and pans, Pyrex, small appliances, cut glass. Tons and tons of Christmas decor including some vintage and rubber faced Santa collection, lights, tins, and so much more Christmas. Duncan Phyfe dining table with 6 chairs and 3 leaves, matching china cabinet, book cases, side tables, dressers, desks, small Formica table. Washer and dryer, Rainbow vacuum cleaner.

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